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High Voltage Monitor Circuits

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:45 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

µC measures High-frequency signals -  03/02/98 EDN-Design Ideas -   (File contains many circuits, please scroll to find this one)  To measure a high-frequency signal using an 8-bit µC, the time period of the measured frequency must be relatively close to the internal clock of the µC.  For example, if the internal clock period is 1 sec, then.  __ Circuit Design by Stan D'Souza, Microchip Technology Inc, Chandler, AZ

High Voltage Stun Gun -  This device produces high voltage pulses discrupting muscles and nervous sYstem, leaving anyone who touches it in a state of menthal confusion.  Can be used agains ferocious animals or attackers, BUT REMEMBER, this device may be illegal in your state (for eg where I live, these devices are banned).  It is quite dangeros for peoples experiencing cardiac problems, and for electronic equipment (like peacemakers), since it generates some RF.  Don't attept irresponsible actions with this device, it is not a toy. __ Designed by Jonathan Filippi

High-voltage Amplifier drives piezo tubes -  7-Dec-04 EDN-Design Ideas Piezoelectric tubular positioners that drive manipulators in scanning tunneling microscopes require high-voltage, low-current drive circuits.  The circuit in Figure 1 can drive high-resistance, low-capacitance piezoelectric loads at a -3-dB bandwidth of 6 kHz.  It offers a low-cost alternative to commercial driversPDF has several circuits, please scroll to find this one__ Circuit Design by Bipin Duggal, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

High Voltage Monitor Circuits

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