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Shunt Regulator Circuits


Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Dual Buffered ±0.617V Reference Powered by Two AA Batteries -  Lower OpAmp is a precision inverter setting outputs to set the outputs at the same magnitude but opposite polarity.  The upper OpAmp drives the positive output so that the difference of the two outputs is the reference voltage, so the result is that half the reference voltage is the magnitude of the outputs__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011

High-power shunt regulator uses BJT & reference IC -  EDN Design Ideas:  03/17/2014     This circuit provide as much better performance and higher power handling than a Zener diode Design by Chris Toliver

Innovation Pushes State-of-the-Art in Voltage References -  Most system designers use voltage references in their circuits.  While many will agree that the performance may ultimately be limited by the reference, they are often unclear as to why.  With so many reference products available, designers often choose based on a tradeoff between price and precision, using only initial accuracy __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Brendan Whelan Nov 8th 2010

LS8 Package Improves Stability of Voltage References -  Stability of precision electronic circuits is often dominated by the stability of the voltage reference.  Most electronic systems rely on one or more voltage references to ensure that measurements or performance meets specifications, especially over long periods of time.  Environmental factors directly affect the stability __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Brendan Whelan Design Manager-Signal Conditioning Products Feb 12th 2013

Make a Shunt Resistor -  Make your own rough and ready shunt resistor.   __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website

Make Your Own Shunts -  Using a modern multimeter to measure current can sometimes be difficult.  Many of these meters will only measure up to one amp.  However, may 112-volt DC powered projects draw a lot more than that.  if you have ever thought of purchasing a commercial shunt to solve the problem, your know just how expensive they can be.  Commercial shunts, while very precise, frequently cost more than the projects they are measuring! However, there is a better and cheaper alternative that will work perfectly well in most situations __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Micropower, 10ppm/°C, ±5V Reference -  The left OpAmp precisely amplifies the 1.2V shunt reference to +5V and the right section inverts that to make -5V.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011

MOSFET shunt regulator substitutes for series regulator -  25-Nov-04 EDN Design Ideas:  You would normally use a series linear regulator or a DC/DC converter to obtain 3V dc from a higher supply.  However, when breadboarding a concept, you may be able to use a shunt regulator, especially if a series regulator of the correct voltage is unavailable.  The MOSFET in Figure 1 can replace a zener diode in a shunt regulator and provide lower output impedance than a zener diode Design by Stuart R Michaels, SRM Consulting

Precision ±10V Reference -  A precision 6.9V reference can be scaled up to +10V and then inverted with a precision -1 gain stage to provide symmetrical +/-10V reference voltages.  The 3.3 K resistor feeding back to the + input of the non inverting amplifier maintains a constant 1mA of current to bias the zener reference device.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011

Self Buffered Micropower Reference -  The OpAmp provides controlled bias current to a shunt reference through its supply connection.  Since the OpAmp can operate with both inputs and outputs at the low-side supply potential, the buffer action works properly for sourcing output current at the same voltage as the reference itself.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011

Shunt clips large transients or regulates voltage -  EDN Design Ideas:  11/01/2015    This clipper/shunt Design ideas - is scalable from low to very high currents Design by Peter Demchenko

Shunt Constant Current Source -  This extremely simple circuit works well and may be just the thing in certain situations.  Output current is approximately 600mV divided by R2.   __ Designed by Andrew R. Morris

Shunt Regulator -  Find out about the uses of shunt regulators and dump load controllers in renewable energy applications.   __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website

Shunt regulator eases power-supply-start-up woes -  10/27/05  EDN Design Ideas:  Ensure regulator start-up under light output load Design by Michael O'Loughlin, Texas Instruments, Nashua, NH

Shunt regulator improves power Amplifier's current-limit accuracy -  02/02/06  EDN Design Ideas:  Additions protect output transistor and downstream circuitry Design by John Guy, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA

Shunt Regulator Monitors Battery Voltage -  18-Sep-08 EDN Design Ideas:  A shunt regulator and a handful of associated components function as a battery monitor Design by Vladimir Rentyuk, Modul-98 Ltd, Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Shunt regulator provides overvoltage protection -  01/15/98 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 uses a typical technique for varying the output voltage of a power supply via a programmable control voltage.  Although the topology and schematic details of the power supply are not critical, the protection technique is noveThis File contains several Design ideas, please scoll to this one[This design idea by ROBERT N BUONO, MAHWAH, NJ] Design by ROBERT N BUONO, MAHWAH, NJ

Shunt regulator serves as inexpensive Op Amp in power supplies -  09/15/05 EDN Design Ideas:  Use low-cost power-regulator IC to replacecostly op amp in power supplies Design by Michael O'Loughlin, Texas Instruments, Nashua, NH

Shunt regulator speeds power supply's start-up -  12/16/05 EDN Design Ideas:  Reconfiguring the start-up shunt regulator can reduce bootstrap time Design by Michael O'Loughlin

Shunting Lights for DCC Locomotives -  Digital decoders in model locomotives usually have two outputs for lighting functions.  One switches the front lights for forward travel, and the other for reverse travel.  if the locomotive has red rear lights, they are also connected to the two outputs.  Many digital decoders include function mapping capability, which allows the switch functions to be assigned as desired.  For example, with function mapping you can control the lighting not only for normal running, but also for shunting yard operations with the lights lit at both ends of the locomotivemust register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

TL431 shunt regulator limits high AC input voltage -  10/25/07  EDN Design Ideas:  This circuit clamps input-ac voltages to levels safe for the operation of the power MOSFET in an SMPS Design by Todor Arsenov, STMicroelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic

Two Terminal Current Source -  The OpAmp buffers the upper potential of a shunt regulator to set a voltage drop on R1 equal to the reference.  The net current to RL is the programmed R1 current plus the quiescent supply current of the OpAmp passing through the reference.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jun 21st 2011

Use a TL431 shunt regulator to limit high AC input voltage -  10/25/07  EDN Design Ideas:  This circuit clamps input-ac voltages to levels safe for the operation of the power MOSFET in an SMPS Design by Todor Arsenov, STMicroelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic

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 Shunt Regulators

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