Active pullup/pulldown network saves watts - 02/17/05 EDN Design Ideas: The control circuit in Figure 1 presents a relatively low input resistance and thus imposes a low value on external pulldown resistor R1 to provide the desired low-level input voltage. In turn, R1 wastes power by drawing a relative Design by JB Guiot, DCS Dental AG, Allschwil, Switzerland Advertising Badge #1 with Flashing LED - I have seen numerous flashing light badges at trade shows and conventions. They are often handed out as gifts to promote some business. The devices often use inefficient circuits, which cause the battery power source to be quickly depleted . . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
Advertising Badge #2 with Flashing LED - This circuit uses a CD4013 dual D Flip/Flop IC . A single lithium battery will provide months of continuous LED flashing. It also has a tiny push-button switch to turn on and off the light flashing . . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
AN4 - Applications for a New Power Buffer - Linear Technology AN4 __ Designed by Jim Williams - Sep 23rd, 1984
Base Current Compensated High Voltage Amplifier - The base current of a single transistor high voltage amplifier varies from unit to unit and over temperature and current. To compensate, this OpAmp circuit measures the base current and adds an equal but opposite current to the input. __ Designed by Jim Haggerman, Hagerman Technology LLC
Battery-Powered LED Flashing Advertising #2 - This circuit is similar to flashing LED advertising badge #1. it uses a CD4013 dual D Flip/Flop IC . The 74HCT74 IC in #81 does not always work. As in #81, a single lithium battery will provide months of continuous LED flashing. . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
Buffer Amplifier - A 2 stage audio pre-amplifier with very good performance. This preamplifier has two direct-coupled common emitter stages and uses series-voltage feedback. The circuit has high input impedance, low output impedance, voltage gain can be set independently and has low noise levels and good signal noise ratio. __ Designed by Graham Maynard
Buffer Amplifier & LED improve PWM power controller's low-load operation - 09/15/05 EDN Design Ideas: PWM IC is enhanced with discrete components for wider-range operation __ Designed by Gregory Mirsky, LaMarche Manufacturing Co, Des Plaines, IL
Buffer PCB using the Korg Nutube 6P1 - I have had some requests for a simple buffer PCB using the Korg Nutube 6P1. So, here it is.. __ Designed by Pete Millett
Buffer switches analog or digital signals - 30-Mar-06 EDN Design Ideas: Use an op amp and a dual SPST to switch signals under digital control __ Designed by Liviu Pascu, Kepco, Flushing, NY
Buffered Current Source - Circuit ideas for Designers App Note__ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc
Buffers Stabilize Oscillator - Keep your oscillator frequency and amplitude constant with this easy fix. Design by Maxwell Strange, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Build a charge pump with ultralow quiescent current - 5-Aug-04 EDN Design Ideas: Portable battery-powered devices often spend most of their life in standby mode, in which the quiescent current of an internal boost converter continuously bleeds the battery. The quiescent current during standby can be larger than the actual load current. Though several inductor-based converters offer maximum quiescent current of less than 10 µA, designers usually prefer or require a regu Design by Greg Sutterlin, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
Build a good Audio Buffer Amplifier - Audio power amplifier circuit diagrams / circuit schematics __ Designed by © Kevin K. Custer W3KKC
Characteristics of CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifiers - This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2006
Charge pump with ultraLow quiescent current - 08/05/04 EDN Design Ideas: Portable battery-powered devices often spend most of their life in standby mode, in which the quiescent current of an internal boost converter continuously bleeds the battery. The quiescent current during standby can be larger than Design by Greg Sutterlin, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
CMOS Buffer Delivers Precise Current Pulse - 12/08/94 EDN Design Ideas: The circuit in Fig 1 delivers stable, fast-settling reference-current pulses. You can use the circuit in systems employing A/D, D/A, or V/F converters. Digital input pulses, VP, connect to IC 3B, a 74AC240 buffer. The 5.00V reference, IC 1, constrains IC 3B's output, VR, to either VREF or0V. IC 3B's rise and fall times are <3 nsec Design by Hartmut Henkel, Consultant, Kriftel, Germany
CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifier Characteristics - This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-February, 2006
Converting the Stereo Audio Distribution Buffer Into Stereo Audio Distribution Amplifier - The stereo audio distribution buffer published on page 94 of July 2013 Edition of EFY can be converted easily into stereo audio distribution amplifier. That will add gain and will give new__ Electronics Projects for You