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Current Monitors / Sensors/ Detectors Circuits
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Current Monitors / Sensors/ Detectors:  #'s - B      C - G      H - K      L - R     S - Z


Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:41 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :
Indicator for Bad Light Bulb -  This request came from a Discover Circuits visitor.  He wanted to turn on a LED indicator light whenever a circuit detected a burned out tail/brake light on a car or truck.  The circuit shown below uses a transistor switch, to detect current flowing through a low value resistor . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-December, 2006

Capacitance Proximity Switch
Draws very low power - Ideal for battery-powered applications
6 Models Available - Call 806-778-8407

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

High Side Current Sense & Fuse Monitor -  The LT6100 can be used as a combination current sensor and fuse monitor.  This part includes on-chip output buffering and was designed to operate with the low supply voltage (≥2.7V) , typical of vehicle data acquisition systems, while the sense inputs monitor signals at the higher battery bus potential.  The LT6100 inputs are __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 30th 2010

High Side Current, Input Voltage & Open Fuse Monitoring with a Single LTC4151 -  The LTC4151 is a high side power monitor that operates over a wide voltage range of 7V to 80V.  in default operation mode, the onboard 12-bit ADC continuously measures high side current, input voltage and an external voltage.  Data is reported through the i2C interface when polled by a host.  The LTC4151 can also perform on-demand__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

High Side Power Sensing with Onboard ADC & I2C -  The LTC4151 is a high side power monitor that operates over a wide voltage range of 7V to 80V.  in default operation mode, the onboard 12-bit ADC continuously measures high side current, input voltage and an external voltage.  Data is reported through the i2C interface when polled by a host.  The LTC4151 can also perform on-demand__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

High Voltage/Current & Temperature Monitoring -  The LTC2990 is used to monitor system temperatures, voltages and currents. Through the i2C serial interface, the device can be configured to measure many combinations of internal temperature, remote temperature, remote voltage, remote current and internal VCC. The internal 10ppm/°C reference minimizes the number of supporting components and area required. Selectable address and configurable functionality give the LTC2990 flexibility to be incorporated in various systems needing temperature, voltage or current data.__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Oct 26th 2010

High-side current Monitor operates at High-Voltage -  07/22/04 EDN Design Ideas:  The simplest technique for measuring current in an actuator or a motor is to monitor the ground current with a resistive element between the load and the ground.  Because the device and its associated electronics share a ground potential, you need to amplify only the ground-current signal.  This approach, however, does not detect device short circuits to ground, which can overload the high-side d Design by Greg Sutterlin and Brian Whitaker, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

High-Side Current Sense Causes Little Error -  03/16/95 EDN Design Ideas:  Measuring dc would be simple if you could always reference your measurement signals to the positive rail.  Unfortunately, most current-metering applications require a ground-referenced output.  Typically, the signal that you want to measure consists of a small differential signal that rideas on a large common-mode voltage Design by Charles L Langner, Broadcast Electronics Inc, Quincy, IL

High-Side Current Sensor Monitors Negative Rail -  17-Apr-03 EDN Design Ideas:  All dedicated current-sense amplifiers provide high-side sensing on a positive supply, but you can adapt such circuits for monitoring a negative supply (Figure 1).  The positive-supply pin, V+, connects to the system's positive supply, and the ground pin, GND, connects to the negative supply, VEE.  That arrangement monitors the negative supply and provide as a positive output voltage for the extern Design  Ken Yang, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

High-side current-sensing switched-mode regulator provides constant-current LED drive -  04/14/05 EDN Design Ideas:  Many suitable circuits exist for driving LEDs in constant-current mode and from low-voltage sources. For example, references 1, 2, and 3 show circuits that use switched-mode-regulator ICs  and low-voltage sources to supply LED current. Design by Bradley Albing, Philips Medical Systems Inc, Cleveland, OH

High-side current-sensor has period output -  03/07/02 EDN Design Ideas:  You use high-side current monitoring in many battery-powered products that require accurate monitoring of load current, charger current, or both.  in applications for nonportable designs, high-side-current monitoring serves as a power-supply watchdog that can flag a failure in downstream devices Design by Greg Sutterlin, Maxim Integrated Products, Wexford, PA

High-Side Current-Shunt Monitor Offers Reduced Error -  12/15/10 EDN Design Ideas:  A Darlington pair, with lower base current, reduces measurement errors.  [Design ideas by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

High-Side Transimpedance Amplifier & APD Monitor -  Current through a photodiode with a large reverse bias potential is converted to a ground referenced output voltage directly through an LTC6101.  The supply rail can be as high as 70V.  Gain of the I to V conversion, the trans- impedance, is set by the selection of resistor RL.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 30th 2010

High-voltage current-feedback Amplifier is speedy -  04/26/01 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 powers a microparticle and nanoparticle ion trap through a 1-to-5-turns-ratio, high-voltage transformer.  it also works successfully as a driver for a piezo-tube scanner and in a near-field scanning optical microscope.  The circuit is robust and works with supplies ranging from ±50 to ±230V Design by Joseph Ting, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences of the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Improved current Monitor Delivers proportional-voltage output -  01/19/06 EDN Design Ideas:  New, improved circuit delivers an accurate linear-voltage output proportional to current in primary winding Design by Susanne Nell, Breitenfurt, Austria

Improved Kelvin contacts boost current-sensing accuracy by an order of magnitude -  02/17/05 EDN Design Ideas:  Many power-supply designs rely on accurately sensing the voltage across a current-sense element.  Multiphase regulators use the sense voltage to force current sharing among phases, and single-phase regulators to control the current-limit setpoint.  As internal complexity and clock speeds increase, processors impose narrower operating margins for power-supply voltages and currents, which in turn m Design by Craig Varga, National Semiconductor Corp, Phoenix, AZ

Indicator for Bad Light Bulb -  This request came from a Discover Circuits visitor.  He wanted to turn on a LED indicator light whenever a circuit detected a burned out tail/brake light on a car or truck.  The circuit shown below uses a transistor switch, to detect current flowing through a low value resistor . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-December, 2006

Industrial Sensor 4mA to 20mA Current Loop Power Tap -  The LTC3105 is a high efficiency step-up DC/DC converter that can operate from input voltages as low as 225mV.  A 250mV start-up capability and integrated maximum power point controller (MPPC) enable operation directly from low voltage, high impedance alternative power sources such as photovoltaic cells, TEGs (thermoelectric __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16th 2011

Integrating Watt-Hour Meter -  The LT2940 measures a high side current and a differential voltage, multiplies them and outputs a current proportional to instantaneous power.  Bidirectional high side currents and bipolar voltage differences are correctly handled by the four-quadrant multiplier and push-pull output stage, which allows the LT2940 to indicate__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010

Integrator forms picoammeter -  07/17/97 EDN Design Ideas:  The analog circuitry necessary to precisely resolve picoamperes can challenge even the best designer.  At these minute current levels, noisy and nonreproducible circuit topologies are common.  A current-to-voltage (i/V) converter that uses an op amp and large feedback resistor is the obvious first design choice to acquire a small current.  However, the component errors that this method induces can swamp the measurable current (and can amount to throwing out the baby with the bath water).   Design by Clayton B Grantham, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZ

Isolated 4-20mA Current Loop -  This circuit is a computer-controlled 4 – 20mA current loop.  it is designed to operate on a single supply over a range of 3.3 V to 30V.  The circuit’s zero output reference signal, 4mA, is set by R1 and calibrated using R2, and its full-scale output current is set by R3 and calibrated using R4.  The zero and full-scale output __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16th 2011

Isolated current sensing with ∑-∆ optoisolators -  EDN Design Ideas:  06/12/2014    Sigma-delta optocouplers make for accurate isolated sensing, and can trade off speed for ENOB.    Design by Avago Tech Note

Current Monitors / Sensors/ Detectors:  #'s - B      C - G      H - K      L - R     S - Z

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