Metal Detector 300 kHz PNP - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector 3xBJT Homemade - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector 4001-ZL2PD - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector 455 kHz - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector 5.5 MHz - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector 625 kHz - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector 650 kHz - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector a Pulse Induction Detector Pulse-1 - Hundreds of this Detector have been built with Very favourable Feedback. This is the Most Most Popular Project on my site. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Metal Detector based on the CS209 NoW Discontinued - Especially Suited to find studs in Walls. Note: this IC is discontinued and getting hard to obtain. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Metal Detector based on the TDA0161 - A Simple design based on a TDA0161 IC that appears to give better results than the Discontinued CS209 and draws very little current from a 9 volt battery. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Metal Detector Beat Balance - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Coils for my PI Detectors - Due to the increasing number of Requests I have recieved. I have now designed and built 2 new Coil Winding Jigs for my Radial Flat Coils. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Metal Detector Heathkit GD-1190 - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Heathkit GR-1290 - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Mk1 - A fun metal detector to find coins at the beach __ Contact Collin Mitchell
Metal Detector Mk2 - More sophisticated 5 transistor metal detector (BC547, BC557, BC338) __ Contact Collin Mitchell
Metal Detector My Pulse-2 Induction Type Detector - This is a Revised Version of the Pulse-1 above with Additional Controls for Possibly More Flexibility. This Detector is Definately Not for the Beginner. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Metal Detector Pin Detector - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector PLL 4046 Beachcomber - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Simple Circuit 3xBJT BFO - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Simple Circuit BFO - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Surfmaster Pi - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector Toro - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector uses Single IC - 12/18/97 EDN Design Ideas: The circuit in Figure 1 protects a power bus from a load short within a guaranteed 2 µsec; a short could otherwise pull down the bus, affecting other loads. The circuit also controls inrush current to bypass capacitors during hot-swap (hot insertion) , another situation in which bus voltage could otherwise experience a droop. You can individually set the two current limits. Power-on reset and logic controls allow complete µP interfacing. Design by Rachel and Steve Hageman, Hewlett-Packard, Santa Rosa, CA
Metal Detector using Difference Resonator - This circuit can detect metallic conductors in its vicinity up to a range of 25 to 30 millimetres. __ Electronics Projects for You
Metal Detector-A Pulse Induction Detector. Pulse-1 - Hundreds of this Detector have been built with Very favourable Feedback __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
Metal Detector-JF1OZL - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Metal Detector-Pulse-2 Induction Type Detector - This is a Revised Version of the Pulse-1 above with Additional. Controls for More Flexibility. This Project is Definately Not Recommended for the Beginner __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
My Metal Detector Coil Jig - Not a ProjectBut this is how I make the Flat Coils __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec
My SUPER SENSITIVE Pin Pointing Metal Detector - This is a Very Sensitive Pin-Pointing Metal Detector and Quite Stable. I have Never seen another pin-Pointer as Sensitive as this one. __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec