10 Second Ultra Lower Power Oscillator - This circuit works much like the classic 555 timer, but draws only about 1.5 microamps from a 3 volt battery. it is highly stable under varying temperature and supply voltages. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-May, 2000
100Khz Low Power Light Receiver - By starving a high speed logic inverter for current, this circuit can produce a sensitive 100KHz light receiver circuit, which is immune to ambient light, but only drawing 100 microamps from a 3 volt supply . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-April, 2005
10-octave audio generator speeds test - 07/07/94 EDN Design Ideas: Testing frequency response of an audio device typically requires a sine-wave oscillator, an ac voltmeter or an oscilloscope, and an operator to record response of device at several frequencies across. Design by Wayne Sward, Consultant, Bountiful, UT
125Khz LC Oscillator - This circuit adds more invertors in parallel to deliver more power. it is similar to CMOS
iNVERTERS FORM 125KHZ OSCiLLATOR. Please note that the values shown are for 125KHz.. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
125KHZ Medium Power Ocsillator - This circuit is similar to MEDiUM POWER 125KHZ OSCiLLATOR but adds even more inverters in parallel to deliver yet more power. The values shown are for 125KHz . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
125Khz Oscillator from CMOS
Inverters - This circuit inverts the LC components so the inductor is grounded. Two inverters are needed to produce the needed oscillation. Again, the values shown set the frequency at 125KHz but can be changed to produce other frequencies. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
125khz Oscillator with Medium Power - This circuit adds even more inverters in parallel to deliver yet more power. The values shown are for 125KHz . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-March, 2002
125Khz Ultra Pure Sine Wave Signal Source - For some RFID systems operating at 125KHz, a very low distortion signal source reference is needed. The circuit shown on this page produces a 10-volt peak-to-peak signal into a 50-ohm load, with a distortion of only 0.01% . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002
12v Touch Switch Exciter Circuit - This circuit is designed to generate a 20KHz pseudo sine wave signal that can power about 50 remote touch activated switch circuits. it can support a cable length of about 2500 feet. A typical remote switch circuit is also shown as well as a receiver circuit for those switches.. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-February, 2002 |