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Analog to Digital (A/D) Circuits
Converters -- Main Page

A/D Converters:   #'s      A      B - E      F - L      M - N      O - R      S - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

 A 500kHz 6a Monolithic Boost Converter LT1370 DN183 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

A Single Supply RS-232 Interface for Bipolar a to D Converters DN29 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Achieve 101dB SNR with the LTC2379-18 Successive Approximation Register Analog-to-Digital Converters   (SAR ADCs) are key components in instrumentation, industrial control, and test equipment applications.  The accuracy, noise and speed of the SAR ADC often determine the overall system performance.  Linear Technology’s LTC®2379-18 breaks new ground in SAR ADC __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Heemin Yang Design Section Leader-Mixed Signal Products Mar 20th 2012

ADC controls multiple stepper Motors 09/14/00 EDN-Design Ideas Typical stepper-motor control circuits use either logic gates and flip-flops or shift registers to generate the proper sequences of binary codes that produce bidirectional stepper-motor movement.  A conventional stepper-motor-control circuit uses a square-wave generato__ Circuit Design by K Suresh, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India

ADC conversion using ADC0804LCN & 8051 Microcontroller based electronic circuit __ Designed by Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis

ADC enables temperature-compensated weigh-scale measurements 5-Jul-01 EDN-Design Ideas You can provide temperature compensation in weigh-scale applications by simultaneously measuring both the temperature of the bridge and the primary output of the bridge transducer.  Traditionally, an integrated multiplexer connects multiple input variables to a single sigma-delta ADC.  Each time the multiplexer switches the input, the ADC must flush the digital filter of all data pertaining to t__ Circuit Design by Albert O'Grady, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland

ADC example for 16f87x pics and similar. (16f873 & 16f876) __ Designed by Jon Fick

ADC for Programmable Logic Uses One Capacitor 12-Nov-09 EDN-Design Ideas Use a capacitor's charging and discharging time to sense a user input__ Circuit Design by Jef Thoné and Robert Puers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

ADC Helps Temperature-Compensate Transducer 01/20/94 EDN-Design Ideas You can use many tricks to make temperature-compensated resistive full-bridge transducers, such as piezoresistive pressure or strain-guage sensors.  Most of these tricks use some additional thermosensitive components that produce a compensating voltage or current.  The disadvantages of such solutions are obvious  low accuracy__ Circuit Design by Alexander L Belousov, Science Instruments Co, Baltimore, MD

ADC Input Driver DIFFERENTIAL to DIFFERENTIAL The last of our basic ADC input drivers is the differential input to differential output driver.  Suppose another part of your circuit already converted a singled-ended sensor signal to ± 2Vdifferential.  However, this differential signal sakes its way past noisy AC sources and switching power supplies. __

ADC Input Driver Differential to Differential (spice design) __ Designed by Rick 

ADC Input Driver DIFFERENTIAL to SINGLE-ENDED Your data acquisition board has an ADC that accepts a single-ended input of 05 V.  However, your signal source happens to be differential.  This signal may be generated from a sensor bridge where one leg swings positive while the other swings negative in response to pressure, for example. __

ADC Input Driver FULLY DIFFERENTIAL Amplifier In this series of ADC input drivers, we've created differential outputs using the obvioustwo op amps, one for the positive and one for the negative output.  Also, you need 8 resistors to accomplish the feat.  But, wouldn't it be grand if a single device produced with both positive and negative? __

ADC Input Driver SINGLE-ENDED to DIFFERENTIAL The continuing story of input drivers brings us to the case where your signal source is single-ended, but your ADC accepts a differential input.  For example, a position sensor that swings +/-10 V gets muxed to an ADC that expects a +/-4V differential input centered around 2 V.  What's the solution? __

ADC Input Driver SINGLE-ENDED to SINGLE-ENDED Suppose your sensor produces a bipolar voltage swing of ±10V.  The only problem, your ADC accepts a single-ended input of 05 V.  What you need is a circuit that will reduce your voltage swing __

ADC interface conditions high-level signals 30-Oct-03 EDN-Design Ideas Designers who build equipment for the industrial market share a wIdeaspread problem.  At one extreme, they must build equipment that supports ±10V bipolar voltages, often riding on a high common-mode level, a requirement enforced by 30 years of legacy industrial equipment.  At the other extreme, the analog signal needs conditioning to match the full-scale range of a low-voltage, single-supply__ Circuit Design by Moshe Gerstenhaber and Stephen Lee, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

ADC is Surprisingly Accurate 06/09/94 EDN-Design Ideas The reference voltage in Fig 1a's simple rail-to-rail PWM ADC is the only critical component.  The input-voltage range extends from ground to the power rail which also acts as the reference.  The circuit is essentially a variation__ Circuit Design by Mike Walne, Farnell Instruments, Wetherby , West Yorkshire, UK

ADC Multiplexer Expander Works Transparently 06/20/96 EDN-Design Ideas When you need to multiplex a large number of analog signals into an ADC—as in medical, instrumentation, and or applications—you may find it difficult to find an appropriate ADC that has enough channels to fit your system's needs.  You can add external multiplexers, but se normally require additional control lines from  CPU.  Also,  time required__ Circuit Design by Mark Seiders, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA

ADC optimizes key encoding 02/04/99 EDN-Design Ideas You can implement a simple and low-cost keyboard encoder by using a key-controlled resistive divider connected to an ADC  (Figure 1).  This type of circuit is especially suitable for embedded systems that use a µC with an integrated ADC section.  To obtain the best noise margin between keys, select resistors to yield an equal division of the voltage levels.  To meet this criterion using the circuitFile has multiiple circuits, scroll to this one__ Circuit Design by Vitor Amorim, Siemens, and J Simões, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

ADC shuts down analogry 03/03/94 EDN-Design Ideas Shutting down circuitry not in use is a common method of saving power in portable and battery-powered equipment.  Although many ADCs have the ability to power down, most other analog components, such as op amps and sensors, do not.  The conventional approach to shutting down analog signal-conditioning circuits is to power them using a voltage regulator that has shutdown capability, and to control this regulator using a dedicated signal line from the microcontroller.  Often, how ever, this additional I/O line isn't available.__ Circuit Design by Emmy Denton, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA

ADC without ADC Here is a example how to read analog values without an Analog-to-Digital converter.  Any Microchip PIC microcontroller without ADC can be used. __ Designed by Jose Pino

ADC's Reference Improves RTD Measurements 10/27/94 EDN-Design Ideas Temperature measurements using RTDs   (resistance-temperature detectors]generally employ bridge circuits with stable power supplies for signal conditioning.  Unfortunately, this scheme generally produces nonlinear outputs.  A linear b__ Circuit Design by Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Tiruchirapalli, India

ADC-to-PC interface transfers data in nibbles 12/09/99 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figure 1 uses a Centronics printer port to interface an eight-channel, 8-bit ADC to a PC.  The circuit cuts  cost of addressing and decoder circuitry and saves one expansion slot for interfacing.  The design uses three of  subportPDF has several circuits, please scroll to find this one__ Circuit Design by DS Oberoi, Jammu, India

Addressable ADC & Controller receives serial command then 1) returns adc measurement, and 2) writes output port. Three-byte serial command, three adc inputs, 8 digital outputs, 5-bit address, 9600-baud. (16f873) __ Designed by Jon Fick

AN-00-004  Mini-Circuits AD Family Customer Soldering of Matte Tin Plating AN-00-0-04 App Note___ MiniCircuits.com

Analog Provides Voltage Clipping & DC Shifting for Flash ADC 04/03/08  EDN-Design Ideas A dual-current-feedback-op-amp circuit performs voltage limiting and dc shifting for a sensitive flash ADC__ Circuit Design by Alfredo del Rio, University of Vigo, Spain

Analog-Input serves any microcontroller 20-Dec-01 EDN-Design Ideas The simple ADC in Figure 1 is perfect for getting analog signals into a purely digital microcontroller.  Using just five surface-mount parts, you can assemble it for less than 50 cents  (1000], which is approximately half the cost of a single-chip-ADC approach in the same volume.  Moreover, this design takes only one pin from the microcontroller to operate__ Circuit Design by Steven Hageman, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA

Analog-to-Digital Conversion Notes This chapter shows how to connect an analogue signal to a PIC. 
An analogue signal is similar to a sine wave and is generally less than 5v   (5,000mV) in amplitude.  Low-level signals are generally expressed in mV, to make them instantly recognisable and easy to talk about. __ Designed by Colin Mitchell

Analogue to Digital Converter for PC Serial Port This circuit is a simple adapter for PC parallel port to think that there is a printer connected to computer.  This adapter is useful for testing printing speed with different software and as a part of your own designs. 
You can use this circuit to connect your simple circuits to the parallel port __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

APD DC Coupled Current Monitor from 20V to 90V APD Bias APD current monitor that operates at High Common Mode Voltage and simplifies signal conditioning using instrumentation amplifier and a Delta Sigma ADC. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 7th 2010

A-To-D Converter Does Frequency Translation DN259 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Autocalibrator Nulls DC Offset 06/09/94 EDN-Design Ideas Three inexpensive ICs in Fig 1's autocalibration circuit correct for both  ADC's offset errors and systematic dc offsets that accumulate before  converter input.  An RS flip-flop, a counter, and a low-cost DAC combine to provide  requisite offset correction voltage.  When configured in unipolar mode, IC1, a 12-bit 1.25-Msamples/sec ADC, has a maximum dc offset of ±9 LSBs, which this autocalibration circuit can reduce to less than 1/2 LSB__ Circuit Design by Doug Mercer and Steve Ruscak, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Auto-Zeroing A/D Offset Voltage DN26 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

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