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Analog to Digital (A/D) Circuits
Converters -- Main Page

A/D Converters:   #'s      A      B - E      F - L      M - N      O - R      S - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Filter cutoff tracks ADC conversion rate 11/20/97 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figure 1 matches an antialiasing filter's cutoff frequency to an ADC's changing conversion rate.  Two main design requirements are high efficiency and the ability to convert signals with varying bandwidths.  To help conserve power, the circuit uses a low-power switched-capacitor filter and an ADC whose power consumption decreases as its conversion rate decreases__ Circuit Design by Kevin R Hoskins, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Find hex-code values for microcontroller’s ADC voltages 12-Apr-07 EDN-Design Ideas Ease 8-bit microcontroller programming with a simple formula to calculate hex values of ADC output__ Circuit Design by Harry Gibbens Jr, Deafworks, Provo, UT

Flash ADC takes the uncertainty out of high-speed data recover 09/01/98 EDN-Design Ideas Flash ADC takes the uncertainty out of high-speed data recoveryTraditional methods of recovering data and clock information from noisy baseband signals fail at data rates higher than 30 Mbps.  Using the same flash ADC to sample both the input data and its phase eliminates timing errors and makes it possible to recover data at 500 Mbps.__ Circuit Design by Tom Napier, Consultant

Flexible Hopfield Neural-Network ADCs Quash Noise 24-Jan-08 EDN-Design Ideas Simple resistor-comparator circuits form a robust Hopfield neural-network ADC__ Circuit Design by Paul J Rose, PhD, Mental Automation, Renton, WA

Four-Bit µP's A/D Converter Decodes Keypad's Input 10/13/94 EDN-Design Ideas Fig 1 shows a Mitsubishi M50927-XXXSP/FP 4-bit microcontroller decoding a 4×4 keypad using only four digital I/O lines instead of eight.  Saving four of a 4-bit µC's precious I/O lines couild be significant.4-bit µC's ADC provid__ Circuit Design by Ryoden International  Shanghai Ltd, Shanghai, China

Frequency Comparer Produces Binary Result 09/29/94 EDN-Design Ideas Instead of resorting to full-blown frequency counters, the simple circuit in Fig 1 uses four ICs to rapidly compare the frequency of two pulse trains.  The circuit produces a binary 0 if f1 is greater than f2 and a binary 1 if f1 is less than f2.  The circuit exploits the fact that inevitably two consecutive leading edges of the higher frequency pulse train will follow each__ Circuit Design by Jay Kirschenbaum, Columbia University, New York, NY

Frequency dithering enhances high-performance ADCs 08/18/05 EDN-Design Ideas Modification of dithering principle respects A/D characteristics__ Circuit Design by Steve Hageman, Windsor, CA

Limiting Amplifier Makes Efficient A/D-Converter Drive 09/02/96 EDN-Design Ideas  Limiting amplifiers are useful for protecting circuitry that has a limited input range.  A classic example is an input buffer for an A/D converter.  Many A/D converters are susceptible to damage if the input significantly exceeds the specified range.  In addition__ Circuit Design by Mark Amarandos, Harris Semiconductor, Costa Mesa, CA

Low Distortion Low Noise Differential Amplifier Drives High Speed ADCs in DeManding Communications Transceivers DN366 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Low-power, low-voltage ADC is 0.05% linear 06/19/97 EDN-Design Ideas The simple integrating 3V A/D converter in Figure 1a is small, requires no negative supply and no expensive precision components, and draws minimal supply current.__ Circuit Design by John Wettroth, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

LTC Design Note: Generating a ±10.24V true bipolar input for an 18-Bit, 1Msps SAR ADC EDN-Design Ideas 01/27/2015    This fast, hi-res, differential-input ADC is easily drivenCircuit Design 

LTC1096 & 1098: Micropower SO-8 8-Bit ADCs Sample at 1kHz on 3µA of Supply Current DN60 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

LTC1410: 1.25msps 12-Bit A/D Converter Cuts Power Dissipation & Size DN104 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

LTC1415: 1.25msps 12-Bit ADC Conserves Power & Signal Integrity on a Single 5V Supply DN146 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

LTC2369 18-Bit 1.6Msps Pseudo-Differential Unipolar Serial SAR ADC with 96.5dB SNR-Video Product Brief The LTC®2369-18 is a low noise, low power, high speed 18-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC.  Operating from a 2.5V supply, the LTC2369-18 has a 0V to VREF pseudo-differential unipolar input range with VREF ranging from 2.5V to 5.1V.  The LTC2369-18 consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2.5LSB INL maximum, no missing __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Alison Steer-Product Marketing Manager Jul 30th 2012

LTC2379/LTC2380 18-Bit 1.6Msps/16-Bit 2Msps SAR ADC Family-Video Product Brief The LTC2379-18 is a low noise, low power, high speed 18-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC.  Operating from a 2.5V supply, the LTC2379-18 has a ± VREF fully differential input range with VREF ranging from 2.5V to 5.1V.  The LTC2379-18 consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL maximum, no missing __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Alison Steer-Product Marketing Manager Mar 9th 2011

LTC2389-18 18-Bit 2.5Msps SAR ADC with Configurable Input Range Video Product Brief The LTC®2389-18 is a low noise, high speed 18-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC.  Operating from a single 5V supply, the LTC2389-18 supports pinconfigurable fully differential (±4.096V) , pseudo-differential unipolar (0V to 4.096V) , and pseudo-differential bipolar (±2.048V) analog input ranges, allowing it to __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Alison Steer-Product Marketing Manager Jan 22, 2013

A/D Converters:   #'s      A      B - E      F - L      M - N      O - R      S - Z

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