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Waveform Generators

Waveform Generator Circuits:  #'s     A - B     C - E    
F - K     L - O     P - R     S     T    
U - Z


Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

Parallel LC Oscillator with CMOS Inverter  -  I have used this parallel resonant LC oscillator circuit countless times.  The oscillator frequency is determined by the inductor and capacitor values.  I have shown an adjustable inductor to make it easy to set the frequency to a specific value . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-March, 2002

Precision 40Khz Triangle Generator -  This circuit generates a precision 40KHz triangle waveform. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Precision Ultra Lower Power Oscillator -  This circuit works much like the classic 555 timer, but draws only about 1.5 microamps from a 3 volt battery.  it is highly stable under varying temperature and supply voltages. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-May, 2000

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Panner Waveform Generator -  analog synth CV source for the Voltage Controlled Panner __ Designed by G. Forrest Cook

Parallel LC Oscillator with CMOS Inverter  -  I have used this parallel resonant LC oscillator circuit countless times.  The oscillator frequency is determined by the inductor and capacitor values.  I have shown an adjustable inductor to make it easy to set the frequency to a specific value . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-March, 2002

Parallel port controls arbitrary-waveform generator -  06/13/02 EDN Design Ideas:  You can use the parallel port of your PC and a few additional components to generate a powerful, easy-to-use arbitrary-waveform generator.  By using a Visual Basic program with the circuit in Figure 1, you can generate any waveform (for example, sinusoid, triangle, amplitude- or frequency-modulated, or exponential decay] by simply entering its characteristic equation Design by Art Kay, Texas Instruments Inc, Tucson, AZ

PC Controls Inexpensive Waveform Generator -  6-Jun-96 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 is a simple cost-effective waveform generator using PC control.  You calculate the digital image of the desired waveform and store it in the 32k X 8-bit RAM (62256] through the 74HCT245 data buffer and the 16-bit local-address bus generator built with the 74LS393 binary counters Design by J Jayapandian, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Tamil Nadu, India

PC records four-channel waveforms -  05/25/00 EDN Design Ideas:  This design idea     is a sequel to a previous one, "Use a printer port to record digital waveforms, " EDN , June 18, 1998, pg 136.  Both ideas are similar: Use the PC's printer port to sample waveforms, and use the PC's memory to stor Design by Dean Chen, Dycam Inc, Chatsworth, CA

Positive Edges Trigger Parabolic Timebase Generator -  07/28/11  EDN Design Ideas:  Generate sawtooth, quadratic-parabolic, and cubic-parabolic signals.   Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Positive Feedback -  The use of positive feedback is useful for producing oscillators.  The condition for positive feedback is that a portion of the output is combined in phase with the input.  For an amplifer with positive feedback the gain is given by the expression below.   __ Designed by Carl R.  Rod Nave Department of Physics and Astronomy Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia 30302-4106 EmailRodNave @ gsu.edu

Precision 40Khz Triangle Generator -  This circuit generates a precision 40KHz triangle waveform. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

Precision integrator sparks current-ratio-to-frequency converter -  24-May-07 EDN Design Ideas:  A precision integrator generates a pulse train whose frequency is proportional to the ratio of two input currents Design by Stefano Salvatori and Gennaro Conte, Universitŕ degli Studi di Roma Tre, Rome, Italy

Precision Ramp Generator & Comparator -  Circuit ideas for Designers App Note__ Advanced Linear Devices, Inc

Precision Ultra Lower Power Oscillator -  This circuit works much like the classic 555 timer, but draws only about 1.5 microamps from a 3 volt battery.  it is highly stable under varying temperature and supply voltages. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-May, 2000

Precision Waveform Converter uses Sawtooth Wave -  03/01/96 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1 can convert almost any waveform into another by coupling a sawtooth waveform with the reference inputs of a conventional bank of comparators.  This addition allows the circuit to control the discharge time of CD more precisely.  The circuit has numerous applications,  Design by Richard Kowitch, Chicago, IL

Programmable oscillator uses digital potentiometers -  03/07/02 EDN Design Ideas:  Digital potentiometers are versatile devices; you can use them in many filtering and waveform-generation applications.  This design idea describes an oscillator in which setting the resistance of two digital potentiometers independently programs the oscillation amplitude and frequency.  Figure 1 shows a typical diode-stabilized Wien-bridge oscillator that generates accurate sine waves fro Design by Alan Li, Analog Devices, San Jose, CA

Programmable Ramp Generator Has 14-Bit Linearity -  09/12/96 EDN Design Ideas:  This linear ramp generator uses a DAC, a transistor array, MOSFET switches, and current-steering techniques to achieve 14-bit linearity (Figure 1).  The output current of IC 1, a DAC-10, is a product of the digital code and the refe Design by Dan Segarra, Sipex Corp, Billerica, MA

Programming Pulse Generators for Flash Memories -  DN17 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Pulse Generator -  This circuit is very useful while checking/operating counters, steping relays, etc.  it avoids the procedure of setting a switch for the required number of pulses.  By pressing appropriate switches S1 to...__ Electronics Projects for You

Pulse generator -  Pulse Generator kit will generate a frequency in KHz which can form a good test gear project.  This kit is based on the classic LM555 timer IC . __ Contact  Rajkumar Sharma

Pulse generator -  A 555 pulse generator circuit with a difference, the initial pulse is tailored by additional circuitry to match the duration of subsequent pulses.
 __ Designed by Miroslav Adzic - Serbia & Montenegro

Pulse Generator & Signal Tracer -  This simple circuit generates narrow pulses at about 700-800Hz frequency.  The pulses, containing harmonics up to the MHz region, can be injected into audio or radio-frequency stages of amplifiers, receivers and the like for testing purposes.  A high-pitched tone can be heard from the speaker of the device under test when all is working properly.__ Learning Electronics

Pulse generator aids IC testing -  09/01/09 Test & Measurement World:As ICs  increase in complexity and decrease in size, their pin counts drop or, at best, remain constant.  The result: a need for pin-saving measures like serial programming.  in the past, multiple pins might have been available for programming an IC ’s current or voltage limit, but today’s ICs  often encode that limit as a set number of pulses on a serial line.  -- [Kevin Frick, integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA]__ 

Pulse Generator Corrects Itself -  07/29/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Use three flip-flips to correct for errors.    Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Pulse generator has low top-side aberrations -  05/25/00 EDN Design Ideas:  impulse-response and rise-time testing often require a fast-rise-time source with a high degree of pulse purity.  These parameters are difficult to achieve simultaneously, particularly at subnanosecond speeds.  The circuit in Figure 1, derived from oscilloscope Design by Jim Williams, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Pulse Generator Verifies Test Setups -  05/26/94 EDN Design Ideas:  Verifying the rise-time limit of wideband test-equipment setups is a difficult task.  in particular, you must often know the "end-to-end" rise time of an oscilloscope/probe combination to ensure measurement integrity.  Fig1s circuit provide as an 800-psec pulse having rise Design by Jim Williams, EDN's most revered contributor, passed away in June 2011 after a stroke.  He was 63.

Pulse Generator with Precision Output-Duty Cycle Operates At a Repetition Rate Beyond 50 Mhz -  05/13/10 EDN Design Ideas:  A previous Design ideas - describes an astable multivibrator that gets hysteresis from the positivefeedback stage using a technique you can characterize as positive-capacitive feedback (Reference 1).  it creates hysteresis by a charge Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Pulse Generator-High-Voltage -  Voltage, by definition, is the electrical pressure that causes current to flow through a conductor.  When that pressure is sufficiently high, a high voltage is produced.  But how do we define high-voltage? is 100, 1000, or 10, 000 volts considered high voltage? When compared to 10 volts, they all can be considered high voltage __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Pulse Receiver -    NOTE: Must register on this site __ Designed by Published in Elecktor July/Aug, 2010

Pulse Stretcher Increases ECL-Gate Gains -  01/20/94 EDN Design Ideas:  stretches the output pulses of an ECL comparator by operating the ECL line receivers with unusually large pulldown resistors to the -15V supply.  The large load resistance maximizes the gains of the emitter-follower output stages and speeds up the rising edges Design by Nicholas J Bucska, PC Peripherals, Louisville, CO

Pulse Width Modulator -  The IC used is a CMOS type MC14093, a quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger.  if you wish, it can be directly interchanged with the CMOS MC14011 but this type is noisy.  The speed is adjustable from 0-max.  Max rpm is 2/3 the supply voltage __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Pulse Width Modulator, LM324 -  Schematic only, no circuits description.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Pulse Width Trimmer Outdoes One-shots -  03/03/97 EDN Design Ideas:  The simple circuit in Figure 1a trims the trailing portion of a large-width input pulse to a size as narrow as 10 nsec.  The input to the circuit is an active-low TTL pulse longer than 10 nsec or a continuous low level after a hig Design by Shyam Sunder Tiwari, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India

Pulsed Sensor Extends Battery Life -  01/01/98 EDN Design Ideas:   Activating the sensor circuit in Figure 1 for 1 sec every 30 minutes lowers its 20-mA supply current to an average of 70 µA.  For a battery comprising three AA Duracells, this pulsed operation extends the battery's life to several years.  The sensor uses an optocoupler and an iR-emitting diode Design by Terry Millward, Maxim Integrated Products, Reading, UK

Pulse-Generator & Signal-Tracer -  Dual-purpose test-instrument; Very simple circuitry, 1.5V Battery-operated __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Pulse-Width Adjuster Reverses Servo Motor -  03/17/94 EDN Design Ideas:  Typical remote-control systems and robotics applications use standard R/C servos, which often require a reversal of the direction of rotation.  Since varying the input signal's pulse width between 1 and 2 msec controls the servo's output position, a circuit that adjusts the pulse width Design by Joe Utasi, Jomar Products Corp, Cincinnati, OH

PWM CD4093 -  The IC used is a CMOS type MC14093, a quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger.  if you wish, it can be directly interchanged with the CMOS MC14011 but this type is noisy.  The speed is adjustable from 0-max.  Max rpm is 2/3 the supply voltage __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

PWM ramp generator in switch-mode power supplies -  04/08/10 EDN Design Ideas:  include this circuit in a switching-power-supply design.   Design by Dwayne Reid, Edmonton, AB, Canada

PWM Timer with  555 -  Schematic only, no circuits description.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Ramp Controlled Light -  The circuit described here can be used for controlling a decorative lamp from zero intensity to maximum intensity in a specified time.  Typical applications are for controlling Christmas lamps and serial...__ Electronics Projects for You

Ramping & Displaying on LM3914 -  Could be used for a Turn Signal indicator.  Also includes an additional Circuit and PCB for Driving Higher Power Lights.   __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec

Rectangular-Waveform Generator Produces 25 & 75% Duty Cycles -  03/18/10 EDN Design Ideas:  Use two ICs  to produce both waveforms Design by Marián Stofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

RF & Waveform Generator -  Generates RF-Frequencys 0.8-2.5 GHz (resolution 100Hz) , 22MHz-512MHz (resolution 125kHz-1MHz depending on frequency) and Waveforms 0-100kHz (resolution 1Hz).  Waveforms are Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse, Sawtooth (positive and negative).  All modes work independently and can be used at the same time.  Very convenient user interface with LCD Display and up/down/cursor functionality.  But please don't expect an easy to copy, 10 Minute instant design.  The waveform part is a nice project for everyone, but the RF part is only for very experience hobbyists.   __ Designed by Herbert Dingfelder

RF oscillator uses current-feedback op Amp -  10/03/02 EDN Design Ideas:  A current-feedback amplifier is a well-known component with many uses.  its basic block diagram shows that its input stage is a voltage follower—in practice, a symmetrical emitter follower (Figure 1).  The configuration samples the output current, converts it to voltage across a large impedance, and amplifies it to the output using a high-power, low-output-impedance amplifier Design by Victor Koren, Tioga Technologies Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel

Waveform Generator Circuits:  #'s     A - B     C - E     F - K     L - O     P - R     S     T     U - Z

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