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Waveform Generators

Waveform Generator Circuits:  #'s     A - B     C - E    
F - K     L - O     P - R     S     T    
U - Z


Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

Ten-Second Ultra Lower Power Oscillator -  This circuit works much like the classic 555 timer, but draws only about 1.5 microamps from a 3 volt battery.  it is highly stable under varying temperature and supply voltages. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-May, 2000

Triangle Signal Generator -  A Discover Circuits visitor needed a variable low frequency triangle signal generator, which would produce a full 5 volts peak to peak signal using a 5v supply.  I suggested the circuit below.  it uses three rail to rail op amps (2 LMC6484 dual op amp packages).  The first circuit produces a clean 2.5v reference voltage.  The second is configured as a classic multivibrator oscillator . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-September, 2011

Turn D-Flip/Flop into a One Shot Circuit -  Yes you can use cheap D flip/flop logic circuits as nice one-shot pulse generators.  This schematic shows how the popular CD4013 and the CD74HC74 can be used to generate pulses ranging from nanoseconds to seconds . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Ten-Second Ultra Lower Power Oscillator -  This circuit works much like the classic 555 timer, but draws only about 1.5 microamps from a 3 volt battery.  it is highly stable under varying temperature and supply voltages. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-May, 2000

The Twin-T Network -  Scroll down to find this one.  The next circuit doesn't use a Wien network but a circuit called a twin-T network so I will introduce the network first.  The 'standard' twin T is as in the diagram below.   __ Designed by Richard Torrens

The WaveMaker: an Arbitrary Waveform Generator -  Use this simple circuit with your PC to generate oddball waveforms.  it does standard sine, triangle and square waves as well.__ SiliconChip

The Wien -  There are dozens, probably hundreds of circuits for audio sinewave generators but certain 'old chestnuts' are still favourite and the basic circuits haven't changed significantly since they were built with valves __ Designed by Richard Torrens

The Wien-bridge oscillator is reborn -  06/13/02  EDN Design Ideas:  in 1940, William Hewlett and David Packard launched a product from a garage.  The product was a Wien-bridge oscillator.  it consisted of a single-pole highpass filter in series with a single-pole lowpass filter.  To keep the gain cons Design by Michael Fisch, Agere Systems, Longmont, CO

Three Phase Oscillator -  Several schematics on this page, scroll to find this one.  The first circuit is a dual ramp generator where the positive and negative ramps are generated separately.  This circuit was used as a ramp generator for a transistor curve tracer: the positive going ramp was used for testing NPN transistors and the negative ramp for testing PNP transistors.   __ Designed by Richard Torrens

Three phase sinusoidal waveform generator uses PLD -  10/12/06  EDN Design Ideas:  Five ICs  substitute for electromechanical three-phase source Design by Eduardo Perez-Lobato, University of Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile

Time Domain Reflectometer -  Brief description of operation: Pulse source for time domain reflecometry.  Circuit protection: Output is short circuit proof.  Circuit complexity: Simple one IC construction, can be built on small piece of Vero board.  Circuit performance: Works very well with cables from 5 meters to 500 meters (no longer cables tested, should work for up to __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Timebase generator -  One Minute/One Second Pulse generator.  ideal to be used to build any clock.  Uses a 12F629.   __ Designed by Jose Pino

Tiny Crystal Oscillator using LP2980 -  High-stability gate oscillator uses two, 5-pin SOT packaged devices.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Transconductance Amp Gives Oscillator Reciprocal Response -  17-Apr-03 EDN Design Ideas:  High-side current sensor monitors negative rail - The circuit in Figure 1 is a variation on the familiar integrator/comparator triangle-wave oscillator, which you typically implement with two op amps.  An integrator and a comparator connect in a positive-feedback loop; the comparator drives the integrator and vice versa.  A fixed amount of hysteresis exists in the comparator, producing a triangle wave at the integrator's output Design by Mike Irwin, Shawville, PQ, Canada

Transconductance Amp Gives Oscillator Reciprocal Response -  17-Apr-03 EDN Design Ideas:  High-side current sensor monitors negative rail - The circuit in Figure 1 is a variation on the familiar integrator/comparator triangle-wave oscillator, which you typically implement with two op amps.  An integrator and a comparator connect in a positive-feedback loop; the comparator drives the integrator and vice versa.  A fixed amount of hysteresis exists in the comparator, producing a triangle wave at the integrator's output Design by Mike Irwin, Shawville, PQ, Canada

Triangle & Square Wave Generator -  Here is a simple triangle/squarewave generator using a common 1458 dual op-amp that can be used from very low frequencies to about 10 Khz.  The time interval for one half cycle is about R*C and the outputs will supply about 10 milliamps of current.  Triangle amplitude can __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Triangle & Square Wave Generator -  Here is a simple triangle/squarewave generator using a common 1458 dual op-amp that can be used from very low frequencies to about 10 Khz.  The time interval for one half cycle is about R*C and the outputs will supply about 10 milliamps of current.  Triangle amplitude can __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Triangle / Square wave generator -  Transistor Q1, a 2N3563, and its associated components form an oscillator circuit that will oscillate if, and only if, a good crystal is connected to the test clips.  The output from the oscillator is then rectified by the 1N4148 signal diode and filtered by C3, a 100pF capacitor.   __ Designed by Izhar Fareed

Triangle Signal Generator -  A Discover Circuits visitor needed a variable low frequency triangle signal generator, which would produce a full 5 volts peak to peak signal using a 5v supply.  I suggested the circuit below.  it uses three rail to rail op amps (2 LMC6484 dual op amp packages).  The first circuit produces a clean 2.5v reference voltage.  The second is configured as a classic multivibrator oscillator . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-September, 2011

Triangle to sine converter -  Circuit ony __ Designed by Saxons @ Easytreasure.co.uk

Triangle Wave Generator -  This signal generator gives you two waveforms for the price of one: a triangle-wave and a square-wave.  What is the central component of this circuit? The integrator capacitor Ci.  Basically we are interested in performing two functions on Ci: charge it, discharge it, repeat indefinitely.  During the design process, we ask these (spice design) __ 

Triangle Wave Generator -  This triangle wave generator is made with a trigger Schmitt that converts a triangle wave into a rectangular one used to charge and discharge a capacitor through current sources.  The positive current source T1 provide the charging and T2 the discharging.  The trigger Schmitt is made from OR-EXCL gates IC 1a and IC 1b.  The __ Designed by Popescu Marian

Triangle waves drive Simple Circuit frequency doubler -  11/23/06 EDN Design Ideas:  Extend a function generator's range, and get a sine wave signal in the bargain Design by Jim McLucas, Longmont, CO

Triangular wave oscillator -  in this page, I introduce the triangular wave oscillator which used the Operational Amplifiers (TL082).  The circuit uses the two OP amplifiers.  The OP of the one works as "the Schmitt circuit".  The other OP works as "the integration circuit".  At the circuit diagram above, IC (1/2) is the Schmitt circuit and IC (2/2) is the integration circuit __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

Turn D-Flip/Flop into a One Shot Circuit -  Yes you can use cheap D flip/flop logic circuits as nice one-shot pulse generators.  This schematic shows how the popular CD4013 and the CD74HC74 can be used to generate pulses ranging from nanoseconds to seconds . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000

Twin-T Audio Sine Wave Oscillator -  This circuit produces a clean sine wave signal ideal for audio testing, or wherever a good-quality sine voltage source is required.  it uses only one integrated circuit which is a common dual operational amplifier, the Texas instruments TL072CP.  The values shown provide an output frequency of about 1000 Hertz.  This frequency may be varied over a wide range, using the formula shown in the schematic.  For most audio frequencies, the oscillation rate is almost exclusively determined by __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

Twin-T oscillator -  This circuit produces an extremely low distortion sine wave, in spite of the non-linear devices used for amplitude limiting (D1 and D2).  The reason is first that distortion (harmonics) is fed to the minus input of the OpAmp with far less loss than to the __ Designed by Andrew R. Morris

Twin-T Rc Notch Filter -  The two T-notch filter can be used to block unwanted frequencies or if placed in an op amp as a bandpass filter.  the notch frequency occurs where the capacitive reactance equals the resistance (Xc = R) and if the values are close, the attenuation can be very high and the notch frequency virtually eliminated, insertion of__ 

Two Transistor Wein Bridge Oscillator -  Scroll Down to find this circuit.  Here is a two-transistor Wien bridge oscillator using an ordinary night-light bulb for stabilization.  The output is about 6 volts p-p and can drive fixed loads as low as 2 or 3 thousand ohms without additional buffering.  A 10 k amplitude potentiometer.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Waveform Generator Circuits:  #'s     A - B     C - E     F - K     L - O     P - R     S     T     U - Z

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